From navigating around my website so far you may have been introduced to a new way of thinking about health and disease in the body.

You have been introduced to a complimentary medicine which yields results and has good quality studies to prove its effectiveness. You have been introduced to the idea that using less drug therapy will improve your immune system and not only reduce your chances of becoming ill in the future but also help you to get better right now. 

As human beings, we should all have the right to choose how we look after ourselves and if we choose to do this using natural means then this should be available to us. The use of complementary medicine in my view is a way of keeping ourselves and those of our loved ones in the best health we can whilst also standing up for our freedom of choice. We should be able to stand up and shout for the type of health care we want generally.

It is a positive sign that people such as yourself are ready to look for healthy alternatives.

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Coaching on retreat

It seems to me that the time is now to embrace a holistic approach to health, where all aspects of your life are taken into consideration and not just the part that is deemed broken. We must develop bespoke treatment for each individual and find ways to live healthier, wholehearted lives.

I believe that we should all work on ourselves. If we each approach our own health as individuals and look for the natural ways to improve our health and lifestyles, then the overall impact could be extremely powerful.

All that is needed from you is an
open mind to treating illness. 

People who use homeopathy alongside conventional medicine have much better outcomes, using less drugs, costing less and with fewer side effects. The effect of us all using just one less drug would be enormous.

Perhaps you have an illness yourself and you are fed up with the drug regime and the side effects. Maybe you’re not feeling any better and your physician has no positive news for you. Let me ask you, what have you got to lose? If you are ready to consider an alternative or ready to try homeopathy alongside your conventional medicine to begin with then go for it! 

Ask yourself about your nutrition, exercise, sunlight, water, rest and love too. Are there any small changes you could begin with here? Let me help you make a plan.

Think about adequate water intake, adequate exercise, meditation, looking at relationships, working hours and possibly your living environment. When I work with you, you will look at these areas with a view to finding a life balance.

Please remember the journey to good health is a process. Getting well is not about taking or doing one thing. It involves a certain amount of commitment on your part.



Would you like to feel happy, amazing, vibrant, full of energy and symptom free without side effects?

I know most people would. Then it’s time for you to take action and contact me for advice. Having all this knowledge is great but you need to take action today rather than procrastinating any longer. 

Make today your Day 1 rather than saying 1 Day!