Hello! My name is Polly Tomlinson and my passion is to help you find your own healthiest and happiest potential and to maintain it for life using natural medicines and techniques.
I am a fully registered Classical and Shamanic Homeopath, Medical Astrologer, Bach Flower Practitioner, Yoga Teacher, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Family Celebrant, Retreat Curator & Author, with a complete passion for natural health.
Over the past 25 years I have not stopped delving into the subject of health and happiness and how we can reach it.
After losing my Mum to cancer at 19 years old, I became very inquisitive about the complementary and alternative field of medicine and this has led me here, and now, to you too. (more on this is in my book, available in the shop here)
I truly believe that there is a place in our society for this type of medicine and that it would be wonderful to have a fully integrated medical system, and perhaps that day will come. But for now at least, we have a choice. And we can do it all if we wish! I am certainly not here to judge, but to listen properly, understand as best I can your needs, and help you to navigate your way through this topsy turvy world with some support from natural medicine, connection, healing techniques, good nutrition and love. xxx

Welcome to my website which is full of information to help you make informed and considered health and lifestyle choices. As you navigate this site you will find information on Homeopathic Consultations, Remedies, Reiki Healing and Teaching, & Gut Microbiome Health

As human beings, I believe we all have the right to choose how we look after ourselves and if we choose to do this by natural means then this should be available to us. It seems to me that the time is now to embrace a holistic approach to health, where all aspects of our lives are taken into consideration and not just the part that is deemed to need fixing.
I believe that we must develop bespoke treatment for each individual and find ways to live healthier, wholehearted lives. Our overall wellness is achieved by finding the balance between what we eat, how we move, how we heal ourselves and how we tap into the things that make our hearts sing.
What People Are Saying
“Just thought I would let you know that these remedies are working a treat. More focused, no hot sweats and generally feel so much more positive. ”
“I am being supported so beautifully by the remedies I am currently taking and I feel I have one through a huge transformation. Thanks for your time and incredible energy, presence and for simply being you. I feel so safe and supported.”
“I am no longer on the big medications I was previously on. I cannot recommend her enough. She also got me through long covid which I just know I couldn’t have done without her. Thank you Polly.”
“After a few months of working with
Polly my thyroid levels were back to
normal and I felt fantastic! ”
I was 20 years in, taking prescribed anti- depressants, I was overworked, overweight and my biggest comfort was just being lethargic until bedtime. I was functioning but not really living! After 6 monthly sessions combined with a purify programme, I feel transformed and have achieved what I thought was the impossible. I’ve felt joy as though for the first time, I feel courage and physical strength. My body feels my own and I now live everyday without any medication whatsoever: It’s as though my whole orbit has tuned in to HD! From the tiny grass shoots of hope to waking each day with zest and excitement. All of this founded in Polly’s purify and homeopathy treatment.