The first and only time I will attempt to “scramble”
A few months ago, my husband and I were in Snowdonia, Wales with the intention of climbing Snowdon.
I had never climbed the mountain before and it was something that I had wanted to do for some time.
Lots of people I know had done it and so I was up for the challenge. I am pretty fit and so the long walk would be no problem, it should take 6 hours up and down
I was aware that I didn’t particularly want to be climbing up ridges etc. and so I thought I would choose a fairly easy route for the first time up. I spoke to a few people who recommend the PYG and the Miners Route and my daughter had mentioned the Watkins Path which has amazing waterfalls along it. What I didn’t hear her say was to go the waterfalls and then come back down and walk an easier route up to the top.
We spoke to a ranger on our campsite who told us where to go and so off we went on our adventure, with our layered clothing and water/snacks, prepared to pass through all 4 seasons in a few hours doing the Watkins Path.
The beginning of the walk was so picturesque and the waterfalls we saw were beautiful as were the bluebells in full colour at this time of year.
The climb was a gradual one and it was fairly easy in terms of terrain, the weather was sunny and we were enjoying ourselves. It felt great!
There was another couple walking with a man who was telling them all about the walk as they went. He seemed very knowledgable. They would overtake us at some points and then we would overtake them when they had a little rest. We would smile and have a little chat to them as we went by.
We walked for a few hours, passed quarries and old derelict miners barracks and soon the weather began to change and the snow was patchy on the ground. It was getting cooler. The path was also becoming a bit less clear and there were a few points where we went off track and then managed to find the path again. There were others around and so when we were unsure we would watch how they got to the next point along the way.
Eventually we came to a clearing, a flat section with a stone engraved Watkin Path. I think we had been walking for about 2 hours by this point.
We stopped here, I had no idea which way to go now. I could see the top but not a clear way to get there. I was feeling anxious now.
The couple we had seen earlier popped up too and were exclaiming at the view and chatting to each other.
I was beginning to feel unsure at this point and so I said to my husband that we should stay very close behind them from this point to be sure of going the right way.
Well thank goodness we did!
I overheard the man say to them, we will go up… across… and then a 150m scramble up the side of the mountain to the top…
SCRAMBLE!!! What the hell!!
What on earth was he talking about….
I was feeling a bit scared now, but I told myself, it can’t be that bad, loads of people do this all the time and Charlotte had suggested it.
We carried on. It only seemed to be me who was having inner panic, although the lady in front was talking a lot, I think to talk herself through it.
To cut a long climb short, it was scary.
The climb became an actual climb, clinging onto rocks and the loose scree under foot made it all the more difficult as it kept falling away from under my feet.
There was one section where there was a row of tonne bags full of rocks which must have been put there by helicopter to repair the ‘path’. We climbed on the outside of these bags, using their handles to hold ourselves on, with a straight drop down behind us. All I could see behind me was cloud and air.
Next for the scramble which is something I will never attempt again, it did not feel safe with ice and snow on the ground on top of loose scree.
At one point I had no other option than to put my knees down and do a very poor Spiderman impression, whilst crying in total fear. I could not look up or around, I could only stare at the ground and hope I would not slide back and off the edge, I was now terrified of the 600m drop behind me. There was no other option than to dig deep and keep going.
One final push over a rock and we were back on firm ground.
Briefly I spoke to the gentleman and said I know you’re not my guide, but you are now! In other words, don’t leave us behind.
10 minutes more and we were at the summit. We had done it!
I thanked the unknown guide. I was in shock and completely spaced out. And there was no way I could go down the same way. Keeping your head down and looking at the ground is one thing, the thoughts of doing it backwards with the drop in front of me was out of the question!
After much deliberation.. We walked down the Llanberis Route which I think is the easiest and most popular route and I have to say it was a day in the country in comparison! Of course we were going to be at the other side of the mountain when we got down but I didn’t care, I had some money and I would find a taxi if need be.
As we got to the bottom, there was taxi sitting there, I couldn’t believe my luck! And he agreed to take us back to our vehicle on the other side. More help presenting itself to us.
Just as we were getting in, a young couple asked if we were going to the Watkin Path and could they jump in with us.
They had done the same as us!
They had asked for advice and been told that the weather conditions were Ok for the Watkin Path.
They had really struggled too and the young lady had cried as well.(as had the lady in front of us)
They said they had seen us go past them as they were sitting on a rock.
The young girl said, ‘I think I need therapy after that’!
It was a fairly quiet journey as we were all spaced out. We had shared an experience. More synchronicity.
The taxi delivered us back safe and sound and we got back to our campsite where we ate, a lot of warm food to ground ourselves.
We showered and then I began to read a book I had downloaded on my phone a good while ago. We were on a digital detox but I allowed myself to read. The book was called ‘The Universe has Your Back, Transform your Fear to Faith’ by Gabrielle Bernstein, who I love. How apt!
So what did this experience teach me?
Well, first that I can do much more than I think I can. If I had read the information about the route before hand I would never have attempted it and would have never had this experience.
I realised that I put myself through a really difficult challenge but I managed it and with my determination I have the ability to dig deep and do more than I think I can.
Secondly, there is no such thing as coincidence, let’s call it God-incidence (as a Friend of mine does). The ‘Guide’ was there to keep me on track and he was presented there just as I needed him.
Next, I was forced to face a fear of mine (of falling which I have done quite spectacularly a few times already) and was given a universal assignment in which to address this. This assignment I believe was for growth and healing although it took me some few days to appreciate this.
The obstacle of being frozen in fear and having to overcome that was a detour in the right direction for me. I realised it was ok to be vulnerable when I was crying on the floor and I had to trust I would be Ok. I managed to find my place of inner calm by focusing on my breathing which was trying to run away with itself in panic.
Once at the top, I showed myself the kindness and compassion I would have shown to anyone else and allowed myself to take the simple and easier way down. I was simply being nice to myself, self- soothing, and self-caring.
Finally, I came across Gabrielle’s book and this prayer:
‘Thank you Universe, for presenting me with this divine assignment for spiritual growth and healing. I am ready to show up for this assignment with love. I welcome your support. Show me where to go, what to do, and what to say. I trust I’m being guided.’
Wow! All the things I needed were there when I needed them:
and finally