Do you want to make changes to improve your health and wellbeing? Would you benefit from talking all of this through with someone who has over 20 years experience in natural health?

Would you like to wake up every day feeling happy and healthy using a more natural method?

It is my belief that the body has the capacity to heal itself if it given the correct tools to do so, and this is where homeopathy can be so magical.

So perhaps you have a physical problem such as digestive problems, allergies, hormone imbalance such as menopause, or exhaustion, or maybe you suffer with an emotional issue such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, fears, grief, or PTSD.

Or maybe you would like to improve your fertility, have a natural pregnancy and birth and to bring your children up drug free whenever possible such as when they experience teething problems, colic or glue ear for example.

Homeopathic treatment is individual and considers all aspects of your issue - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states, personality traits, physical features, the effects of a variety of environmental influences, lifestyle, patterns of disease within your family, and relationships ( and much more). It is suitable for all ages. But the main thing to know is it is bespoke for you and what’s happening for you right now in your life.

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I specialise in treating you using a gentle yet effective, natural, non-toxic, non-addictive, form of medicine that isn’t tested on animals. My methods work well… really well, & typically I expect to see improvements quickly.

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My wish is to help you achieve freedom from limitations in your life and to reach a level of health where you are no longer dependant on medicine or therapy.